Giovanni Lisi - Realtor®
"List with Lisi"
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About Giovanni...
Giovanni Mastriano Lisi is a CBA graduate who currently is a student at Siena College, where he is pursuing a degree in Business. While maintaining Deans list, he also works as a full time real estate agent to offset tuition payments. Born and raised in Albany, he has a vast knowledge of the Capital Region. Giovanni is a second generation real estate professional, with family history of over 25 years in the industry. He is highly motivated and striving to make a name for himself and 518 Realty in today’s real estate market. He may be the youngest, but has a great support system from his 518 Realty family.
“Giovanni is very knowledgeable in how to sell homes. He was very patient with us and got us the best deal; he was very honest up front of the comps in the area and what he was going to do in marketing our home. Giovanni sold our home in 6 days and for more than we were asking for. We know it was because of Giovanni’s excellent marketing skills. We would highly recommend him to all our friends and neighbors!”
Mary Jo & Joe D.
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